Tuesday, March 25, 2014

looking for Beta readers

So, if there is anyone out there (anyone?) and you would like to read future drafts of the sequel to "The Hare, the Bow and the Girl' drop me a line in the comment box. Beat readers, or early readers, are folks who read through a finished raft and (can) provide feedback.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

stuck... and need reviews :-)

Progress has ground to  a halt right at the denouement (well for this part anyway). No worries, I will hopefully be able to work around this.
Meanwhile- if you have read the first book would you kindly consider posting  a review (good or bad) on Amazon? Thanks!

Monday, March 10, 2014


Am now on twitter


Part Two - coming along

I noticed today that I am at about 40,000 words for part two of The Hare, the Bow and the Girl. That is about 8k more than the first book it total. I fee like I have about 10k more words to go, but maybe 20-30k. I see light at the end of the tunnel!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Fully revised and expanded text now up on Amazon

Sorry not to post for so long, but lots going on:
1. I went back and fully revised the first book, "The Hare, the Bow and the Girl" to fix some things that bothered me. I also had a professional editor look at the work (and suggest  a ton of great changes) as well as clean up typos and grammar. There may still be plenty of issues (all my fault as I tinkered with the text even after it got proof-read) but it should be dramatically improved.

2. I have begun to submit the text to some agents in hope of landing a deal of some sort because...

3. ... there is more! I am about 36k words into the next "book" which picks up where the first one left off. If anyone wants to read the chapters in progress let me know and I will post them here- otherwise I will wait until I polish them more and get them edited. I hope to finish this second book by May 2014.


link to the revised text: http://www.amazon.com/The-Hare-Bow-Girl-Lepus-ebook/dp/B00GCI7RLE/ref=pd_rhf_gw_p_tnr_2