Friday, April 11, 2014

Good Kindle promo...oops

So I did a GoodKindles promotion yesterday [] and I accidently put up my full length synopsis (including the ended etc.)
Opps. The good thing/sad thing is that it does not seem to have generated much traffic. Live and learn.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

4/1/2014 1 pm EST finished first draft of part two

Ok, well then. I started writing the follow up to The Hare, The Bow and The Girl on December 18 2013 and finished it up today. It is 47,400 words long. On the days that I wrote I wrote an average of 1693 words. It took me 28 days (writing days ) spread out over three and half months.

Now the hard part, revisions (lots and lots of revision). The ending needs a lot of work (may cut most of it) and there is even a part in the middle where I came back after not writing for a few days and could not figure out where I had been going with that story thread. The manuscript actually has a note, "Where was I going with this?" in parens.

It gets tricky here too because instead of going back and revising right away I am actually going to plow into book three. I have a few scenes  I need to get down before they leave me.

So I figure it will be at least summer before I start to roll out chapters from book two, but I will do that, here on the blog, just like last time. I hope to have book two on Amazon as an edited/proof read volume in the fall.

For the record, the first book took me about 18 months (I started it and then left it for 6 months).

Kate Bush - The Dreaming

So, I am in the last lap (the epilogue) of the follow up to the first Hare book. Had trouble getting the tone right (still not sure about it) as the story takes a somewhat dark turn. I saw a post about the great Kate Bush album (who's Aerial album fuels much of my writing attempts for these books) The Dreaming. I popped that in and finally found a dark and discordant work of music that will help me get into the mood to write the final bit.

Here is a wonderful video for the track "Get out of my House" set to the Shining movie.